
Tentative Conference Schedule

Thursday, August 8th – Civil Engineering Lodge on the lake in Stone Valley (Directions)

12:00 – 4:00 Pre-Conference Activity “Advocacy in the AMR Communities across PA.”  @ Penn State’s Civil Engineering Lodge on the lake in Stone Valley (Pre-Conference Registration  Required)

Friday, August 9th –  Ramada Inn and Conference Facility (Layout)

7:00—8:30 Registration, Light Breakfast & Setup Exhibits (Pre-function Area)
8:30—8:45 W e l c o m e (Grand Ballroom): Andy McAllister, WPCAMR
8:45—9:30 Keynote Address: Glenn Rider, PA DEP Bureau of Conservation and Restoration
Track 1 (Chairmans Room) Track 2 (Executive Forum)
9:30—10:15 Scott Alexander with Malcolm Crittenden and Robert Ryder, PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), “Stream Restoration of AMD Impacted Streams” Lawrence V. Ruane, Department of Environmental Protection ”Mine Subsidence Insurance Program”
10:15—10:45 Break (Pre-function Area)
10:45—11:30 Tom Clark, Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC), “Interactive Web-Based Mine Drainage Data Portal” Andy McAllister, WPCAMR, and Amy Wolfe, Trout Unlimited, “The need for Federal Environmental Good Samaritan Legislation”
11:30—12:15 Brent Means, OSM, “Walking through the New AMD Treat Software” Holly Cairns, PA PA Department of Environmental Protection’s Office of Environmental Advocate
12:15—1:30 Lunch & Speaker: Peter Stern, Aviator and Aerial landscape photographer of PA Coal Region (Atrium)
Track 1 (Chairmans Room) Track 2 (Executive Forum)
1:30—2:15 Robert Maiden, PA Association of Conservation Districts, and Terry Fisher, PENNVEST “PACD’s Work in the AMR Community” Jon Smoyer P.G., PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), “Hydrogen Peroxide- Review of its Role as Part of a Mine Drainage Treatment Strategy”
2:15—3:00 Jill Burrows Ph.D. Candidate, Lehigh University, “Geochemical and Hydrologic Controls on Abandoned Coal Mine Discharge” Collin Lennox, ECOISLANDS, LLC., “Fe and Mn Reclamation using BioHaven® Wetland Reactors, Results from 2012”
3:00—3:30 Break (Pre-function Area)
3:30—4:15 Sandra McSurdy, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), ”Treating Flowback Water with Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) for Reuse in Shale Gas Activities” John Welsh and Alana Mauger, New Media,”Huber Breaker Photography”
4:15—5:00 Tim Danehy and Bruce Leavitt, Consulting Hydro-geologist, BioMost, “Passive Aeration Using a Trompe“ Paul Coyle, Office of Surface Mine Reclamation and Enforcement, (OSMRE), “National Mine Map Repository”
5:00—5:30 Free Time-Networking (Pre-function Area to Outdoor Pavilion*)
5:30—6:30 Buffet Dinner, 15 Year Perspective from CAMRs & Mayfly Award Presentation (Outdoor Pavilion*)
   * weather permitting  

Saturday, August 10th – Ramada Inn and Conference Facility (Layout)

7:00—8:30 Registration & Light Breakfast (Pre-function Area)
8:30—8:45 W e l c o m e (Grand Ballroom): Robert Hughes, EPCAMR Executive Director
8:45—9:30 Terry Schmidt P.E., Skelly & Loy, “Variability of Coal Mine Drainage in Pennsylvania Resulting from Coal Mining Practices and Geology”
  Track 1 (Ballroom A)  Track 2 (Executive Forum)
9:30—10:15 Ed Schrothe, Duquesne University Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, “The Science of Wingfield Pines”  Matt Hughes, Bucknell University , ”Working with the Press”
10:15—10:45 Break (Pre-function Area)
10:45—11:30 Bernie McGurl, Lackawanna River Corridor Association (LRCA), “Lower Lackawanna River Corridor Watershed Restoration Assessment Plan”  Bob Onyshko, Harsco Minerals, “Harsco Mineral CSA: A Sustainable Solution to Acidic Water from Refuse Piles & Abandoned Mine Sites”
11:30—12:15 Eric Null, Conemaugh Valley Conservancy (CVC), “Benthic Macroinvertebrate as Indicators of Mine Drainage Impacts and Recovery Efforts”  
12:15— End of Conference & Take Down Exhibits – Have a Safe Trip Home!